
Showing posts from May, 2019

Finally in the Pool!

The pool is open at Grandma's house! Sisters make the funnest friends.   

Date Night

We played tennis and then had a scrumptious dinner to celebrate Sarah's birthday. I couldn't love these two more. Dates with them are always a blast and you can bet there'll be laughter.   

Luau Laughter

We had a family luau party to celebrate birthdays for Chris and Marcus. The food was so good and I loved being with family in such a fun setup.  They did such a good job setting it all up! Doesn't it look delicious!? Liandrew is not a fan of smiling at the camera but he was too cute in his little Hawaiian shirt! Everyone dressed up in Hawaiian attire. Then a friendly game of bump between Jaime, Chris, Marcus, and Tyler. Chris had a Golden State Warriors cake and Marcus had a basketball, football, tennis ball cake. They looked so neat. Happy birthday to some great men who are awesome uncles to our kids.   

Aidan Loves School

Aidan received his HAAP Award yesterday. He's such a great student.  Here's to working towards scholarships Aidan thoroughly enjoyed school a few days ago. He learned a lot while doing the frog dissection. The funniest thing he said when he got home was that he got the juice that is used to preserve the frogs on his sleeve. hahah :D "juice."  

Some Relaxation Time

 I went to Float Euphoria to try a relaxation pod. It looks like an egg. It's filled with salt water so you can just lay in there and float. The temperature is close to your body temp so that as you lay there you begin to not be able to tell where your body and water meet. I personally would like the water to be a little warmer but it was a fun thing to try. The lights change color and there was soft music playing. As much as it was a fun thing to try, I'd pick a massage for relaxation over a float any day.   

Mother's Day 2019

All I ever wanted was a family of my own. My kids are so special to me each in their own individual ways.  I'm so grateful to be their mom.  We did not plan to all wear stripes. We walked to church and noticed we were. :)