I can't believe how fast November has gone. This post will have to be a summary of it all since I was off the ball at keeping it updated! It was definitely a busy month. I've been involved with multiple things and activities that my days have just whizzed by. My Sundays are busy with the usual church meetings plus ward choir practice, stake choir practice, and a practice of a musical number with three other women. I've really enjoyed being able to sing more. Our stake choir director is very tough and makes us work at very difficult songs. It's been good for me. I have two callings now. I lead singing time in the 3 nurseries. We have 15-18 kids in the oldest nursery! (We're going to need more than two sunbeam classes!) It is a lot of fun but chaotic most days but it's something that I get more spiritual feelings from than I thought I would. My newest calling is the RS Directory coordinator (?). I think that's what they called it. Basically I am compiling all...