My girls

Last day of School! We waited at the church field for the neighborhood kids to ride home from school. Us moms told our kids to meet for ice cream at the pavilion. We really ambushed them with water balloons. THEN they had ice cream. Someone's wet! "Mom, there's no more water balloons!" "No problem, there's foam water squirters!" Lindsey made a flag out of fruit kabobs. We dipped strawberries in chocolate! Yes we enjoy the fruit this time of year. Olivia has really taken to accomplishing goals for her Faith in God program. She chose to sew a blanket for a goal in Developing Talents. She picked out the fabric herself. The minky fabric is great for learning. She just kept the foot in between two rows of dots to help make straight lines. It worked perfectly for a guide. At their recognition activity for moms she stood up and told about her project. She was nervous about what to say but she did so well and was so cute! When all the girls got up to si...