My boys

These two are amazing friends. Loyal, Strong, and True to each other really. 

One day while driving they could see the temple and asked to stop to look at it. How could I say no to such a wonderful request?!

Here we go- the real reason they wanted to stop. WATER!

Warming up before the game. Aidan is still so cute to watch. 

Run for first! He did well at this game. 

On Sunday Aidan wasn't himself. He got down from the table refusing to eat lunch and fell asleep on the couch. Jaime was staying home from church due to illness so I let Aidan sleep and the rest of us went to church. About an hour later Jaime informed me that Aidan had thrown up a few times. So sad. 
He continued to get more symptons. None at the same time at least. When throw up stopped he then started to have a fever, fever stopped. Then goopy eyes. A lot! Then a really red eye and then we noticed a bump on his eye. 

He's been to the dr and now has eye drops three times a day. At first I thought it was going to be a wrestle each time but after the first fight I calmly talked about how it needs to be done and why. Now I just say time for drops and he lays down for them. He handles the pain of the sting much better. I can't remember the name of the infection he has but all that matters is we are going to get rid of it!

Tyler has enjoyed cars and any type of vehicle since he could move on his own. The love hasn't decreased at all. He can play on his own better than any of my others. It's fun to just listen to him. 


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