THREE Years?!?!?!

On Wednesday September 3rd, 2008 I was at my Mom's house. I started having small contractions that kept getting more frequent. When I would be talking to my mom and have to stop just to breathe we decided that I was in labor and would probably be going to the hospital that night rather than the next morning for my scheduled induction. We had dinner there and after dinner I told Jaime to go ahead and go to mutual as he was in the Young Men's presidency. I wasn't in enough pain and didn't want to go to the hospital too early. Lindsey and Olivia would stay the night since they were going to anyway so Jaime and I could just get up Thursday morning and head to the hospital to be induced into labor. We got the girls in to bed and I said good bye. My brother Darin was home and he drove me to the hospital at 8:30 p.m. I sent Jaime a message I was going and he and my dad (our ward's bishop) would meet me there.

I got checked in by 9 p.m. and the nurse checked me and said I'd be delivering soon. Dad and Darin said they'd stay until I delivered. They would be leaving the next morning to take Darin to college so they were hoping that I'd deliver soon so they could see the baby before they left.

Jaime is always so good to help me breathe through contractions as he watches the monitor to let me know when my contractions peak and are on the way back down. It gives me a visual and helps me make it through a lot easier. Dad was worried he'd have to go home as 10:30 came along but he stayed as long as he could because he wanted to see the baby. At around 10:45 I was ready to push and couldn't stop it if I wanted. Dad and Darin stepped out into the hall and were able to listen to my wonderful sounds of delivery. I almost sound like I'm trying to lift something heavy and it's a sound all in my throat, which by the way, my throat is always very dry and coarse after I have delivered all my babies. And without an epidural and all natural...voila! We have our first baby boy. Aidan Martin Morales was born at 10:51 p.m. 6 pounds 15 ounces and 20 inches long.

Shortly after his birth

First time seeing Grandpa Naylor

First time seeing Uncle Darin

6 months old

His First Birthday
(Look at that hair! I didn't want to cut it before he was 1. I cut it right after his birthday. What was I thinking! I gave Tyler's first hair cut long before his first birthday. I guess it's just a sign they are growing so I wanted to postpone it as long as I could.)

The big TWO!

And now he's THREE!
 Saturday was September 3rd and we celebrated Aidan's third birthday.
Look at him waiting so patiently for everyone to be ready to watch him open gifts.

PJs and clothes

Remote Control Lightning McQueen
(In case you haven't caught on he loves the movie "Cars.")

MACK the semi and Lightning McQueen 

A CAT backhoe and Thomas the Train set
Tyler enjoys the toys just as much. He was dancing here to the music and lights the CAT plays.

He was so excited about his cake.

He absolutely loves MACK.
Any semi he sees on the road he calls MACK. To be more specific, he calls MACK
"My MACK" whenever he sees him on the movie.

 Yes I made MACK the semi for my sweet son. It turned out better than I expected it to.
I know it's not perfect but hey, I'm not Cake Boss.

He wanted all the candles on it. He was dying to light up the cake all day.
He likes to hear people sing the birthday song to him.
My parents couldn't be here because they are in Hawaii so they called Aidan the night of his birthday and he got the biggest kick out of hearing them sing to him. His joy is priceless.

This is a dated picture from mid September 2010 just as we moved out of our old house
 but it's so hard to believe how much has changed in just a short time.

I remember that very first moment with Aidan in the hospital and there are now so many wonderful memories with him in the last three years since that day! 


  1. Happy Birthday Aidan! BTW Lisa, you did a great job on the cake. That's awesome that he enjoyed his special day!

  2. Such a cutie! We're so glad we got to be there, thanks for letting us stay. I can't tell you how jealous I am of his potty training feats! Hopefully we will have good news soon too!

  3. He's is just so cute! Can't believe he's three already. boy how time flies. All of your children are just so beautiful and precious. you have a very lovely family. Happy Birthday Aidan!

  4. You are doing my kid's cakes from now on! :) Seriously, that turned out SO good! Oh we love your family, what a fun birthday :) Happy birthday Aiden!!


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