Can You Believe it's Been 9 Years? Me Either

Olivia turned 9 on Saturday February 21st. We took the kids to Dairy Queen on Friday night and let Olivia take friends. It was low key but it was something different. Saturday morning she picked pancakes for breakfast. The rest of the day was pretty normal and hard on Olivia as she anticipated family coming and opening gifts. For a moment I wondered if I should have done something birthday-ish for her during the day. Only a moment though because then I remembered the huge "Frozen" theme party I put lots of effort and time in to last year. Then I thought about my birthdays and how the day always seemed slow and boring and I could hardly wait until the evening to open my gifts. I do remember one birthday where I opened my gifts early in the morning before Dad left to work. :) Back to Olivia, she did have her friend Emily over the entire day. These goof balls crack me up. Family came around 2 to celebrate. I think all my kids like the feeling of sitting on the floor...