Our New Normal
We have church every Sunday from home now. Our prophet truly received revelation for the church by moving to a home centered, church supported curriculum because now we're able to continue with Sunday school lessons. Everyone in the church is on the same lessons and we're accustomed to having lessons at home prior to this. The biggest change for us currently is having the sacrament at home every week. I'm so grateful for Jaime and Aidan having the priesthood to be able to bless and pass the sacrament. We use the piano bench and a small white table cloth. Tiny mason jars on a white platter for the water and a white plate for the bread. It really does look beautiful and does set a reverent tone. We have songs, talks, testimonies, conference videos, prayers, Sunday school lessons, and singing time. Occasionally for my calling as primary music leader I post ideas for singing time on the ward Facebook page. I will admit that I have been relieved for the break of ...