Our New Normal

We have church every Sunday from home now. Our prophet truly received revelation for the church by moving to a home centered, church supported curriculum because now we're able to continue with Sunday school lessons. Everyone in the church is on the same lessons and we're accustomed to having lessons at home prior to this. The biggest change for us currently is having the sacrament at home every week. I'm so grateful for Jaime and Aidan having the priesthood to be able to bless and pass the sacrament. 

We use the piano bench and a small white table cloth. Tiny mason jars on a white platter for the water and a white plate for the bread. It really does look beautiful and does set a reverent tone. 

We have songs, talks, testimonies, conference videos, prayers, Sunday school lessons, and singing time. Occasionally for my calling as primary music leader I post ideas for singing time on the ward Facebook page. I will admit that I have been relieved for the break of not having to stress every week over preparing and coming up with singing time and teaching. It has been a very difficult calling for me. So during this time of our stay at home order/self quarantine I've been looking for some positives. And having less singing time stress has been one of them. :)

We go on walks. Jaime and I go walking frequently. I'm grateful the weather has been warming up so that we can all get outside and enjoy some fresh air.

The kids have been good at getting their reading time in. I think it's their favorite part really. I took these pictures one day. The three younger ones reading side by side and Lindsey cuddled up in a blanket on her bed laying in the sunlight. 

During some free time Tyler played "church" in his room with his stuffed animals. His set up was so clever and cute. 

The school district distributes free meals to all kids under 18. We don't go very often because we don't financially need it and most of the meals the kids don't care for. However we have gone a few times. One day we went and were surprised to be greeted by a dinosaur. Not just any dinosaur but Jaime was the dinosaur! How cute is that. 

Something a little different. The kids did a digital Harry Potter themed escape room that involved math. So they got in some education with some fun. 

The kids do "zoom" meetings with their teachers and classes. I think it helps them have some outside connection with friends as well as some school talk. 

I was out for a run one morning and was sad to see that the city went around and taped off all the playgrounds and posted signs saying people were to stay off to help with reducing the spread of germs and to help maintain social distancing. 


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