State Softball Championships!

October 26 - The Chiawana Slowpitch softball team had a police escort out of Pasco. They're headed on their way to Yakima for the state championship games on the 27th and 28th. Olivia up to bat. And she gets a run into home to score. Olivia was awarded the sportsmanship award at the end of the game against Woodinville! Congrats girl! Day one, two wins and we made it to play in the championship game tomorrow! Remarkable! State champs three years in a row. Look at that score! These girls deserve to win with scores like this. Olivia loves her coaches. They really know how to build team morale. "O" for Olivia! Eli, Olivia, BT, Aaron Giant trophy pics! State Championship trophy the school keeps until the next team wins. Let's hope they get to keep it again next year too! State championship trophy the school gets to keep. What a season! So excited to see Olivia be a part of this.