Meeting the Boyfriend

So, Lindsey has a boyfriend. Quite serious I might add. He's from Meridian. Lindsey asked us to come meet him and his family. It's only about 5 hours away from us. Half way between Rexburg. So Jaime and I made the drive to go meet Lindsey and Isaac. He's a very nice young man. Respectful, funny, and treats Lindsey wonderfully. 

We went to the temple to do baptisms with Lindsey. 

We had dinner with his family, shopped around at the Village with them and had lunch the next day as well. They're a great family. I really enjoy his mom. They're all easy to talk to. I see why Lindsey likes them so much. 

Isaac's mom Diana took this picture one afternoon when they were going to watch Isaac's brother's football game. It's a pretty cute one of them. Yes, Isaac is over 6 feet tall. Lindsey is searching to grow the genes in the family. 😂



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