Farewell To Friends

It's hard to say good bye to people who are such great friends. We went for one last "hangout" and to help Ben and Corrine pack...or so we thought. Instead we enjoyed wonderful homemade pizza with a potluck of toppings and had wonderful laughs with the best of friends. We did get to pack and move a few things. :)

I know Carina already posted these pics as well but I couldn't help it. They turned out so well and you can see the kind of friendship we had. I loved it when we got together with our families and when it was just "the girls." We've had plenty of girls nites, exercise groups, play dates and park gatherings, singing together, having dinners, lunches, even breakfasts, and of course baby showers. I mean, we've had six babies between the four of us in just the few years we've known each other!

We miss you already. Going to church and not having you in the pew in front of us was hard. 
We wish you luck in your new adventure!


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