Is it Summer yet?

We are definitely ready for summer. Here's some of what's been going on the past month or so...

Tyler giving hugs

...and kisses.

How exciting!


Aidan wanted to ride the scooter and wear the pink helmet as well.
He had a lot of fun.

Jaime, Martin, Marcus, and Aidan
building our new playset.

There's something fun for everyone.


Neighborhood kids hanging out enjoying sno cones.

We went to Lindsey's school for their Young Author's event.

Liv looking through the telescope.

Marcus and his prom date.
Wasn't prom a sign that summer was nearby?

Cousins Marcus and Adam

Aidan scaling the pantry shelves.

It's fun having so many neighbor kids.

There's a splash pad and park literally 3 minutes drive from our house.
One morning we packed up quickly and went for an afternoon of lunch and play.

Tyler thought it was great running around in water.

Aidan and Olivia

Aidan and a nursery friend.

Aidan and Lindsey

My bunch

One day I told Aidan he needed shoes to go outside. He put on the first pair he could find.
He didn't care they didn't fit or were on the wrong feet.

Lindsey and her new cousin Thomas. So cute.
Look how big my first baby girl is!

Tyler was thrilled with the little bundle of joy.

Late night tractor rides.

Aidan crusin' in an antique child's toy car.

Liv and Aidan

Tyler and Lindsey

Aidan holding Lindsey's nest and eggs she made of clay in art.

We are hoping that the continuous warm weather will come soon and we can have a great summer and enjoy the many trips we have planned for the next month.


  1. How fun! You have a little park in your own backyard. I can't believe how big Tyler is. Your children are precious.

  2. Lisa Morales, you make me so jealous with your gorgeous house, awesome backyard, and all the close friends to hang out with! It all looks so amazing.
    I know we haven't really chatted much at all since you moved, but don't take that to mean that I don't think about you all the time. I don't do well when people move away because it reminds me how much things have changed and how I don't get to see you very often. I love you, though and wanted you to know that. Also, I never thanked you for my sweet birthday card. The fact that you even remembered really meant a lot to me. You're a good friend, Lisa. I absolutely want to come out and visit you. What days are best for having visitors? Chad has Tuesdays off, but I could come out some other time with just me and the kids. You know, I should just call you. I've got a pretty busy week, but I will try and call sometime tomorrow afternoon to chat.


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