A Camping We Will Go

My sister, Emily, organized a campout with us siblings and our families. It's the first time we've done this. Emily and her family, Elizabeth and hubby, me and my fam, Lori, Brian and his fam, and Darin...the baby of us all, but anything but. (He's so grown up now living on his own and working at his fancy, shmancy job. lol) With the school year coming to a close it wasn't the best timing for Jaime to pick up and leave with evaluations and interviews and such. He's been so busy but he managed to escape and get home around 4 p.m. on Friday. (Ideally he'd take the day off if he didn't have so much going on. He had to go in to work on Monday, Memorial Day, just to get stuff done.) We hit the road at 4:39! Stopped in Grandview to drop the boys off. Yeah I know, a camping trip without having to chase Tyler around and make sure Aidan remembers his bathroom breaks sounds kind of nice, doesn't it. Well, here's the deal. Jaime's folks go camping...