Mother's Day

This Mother's day was wonderful.
I woke up in the morning to find this amazing necklace on my vanity.
I've wanted a mother's necklace of some sort but I wanted something more modern.
Jaime hunted one down and I love it.

All my babies' names are there. :)

We went to church where the primary kids sang to their mom's in Sacrament Meeting.
Aidan was so excited to be able to go up this time. He just beamed! He didn't know all the words but he tried to sing and smiled at the the whole time. 
Next year all four of them will be up there singing to me. 

The girls gave me their gifts after church.

This is from Lindsey. So sweet.

Olivia gave me an adorable key chain and this list that her teacher wrote her answers to the questions on. You can tell what I've been reading recently. I decided to FINALLY read the Twilight Saga and then I've been reading the Monster High books with Lindsey. It must really stick out in Olivia's head what I have done in the past month that she mentioned them on her list.
The favorite stores she mentioned I think are really some of her favorites that she likes to go to with me.
I love her little answers. Truly out of the mouth of babes.

After church we went to spend the day with Jaime's family at his parent's and then to his aunt's house. His entire extended family always gets together for a huge dinner. It was great weather to eat outside and enjoy visiting. After that we went to my parent's house to see my family and wish my mom a happy Mother's Day. The kids had a great time seeing their grandparents again. We don't get to see them as often because there's just so much going on anymore it seems.
Hope you Mom's all had a great one!


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