Busy Bags

I got together with a group of girls to exchange some "Busy Bags" that we made for our kids. Each one of us picked one that we wanted to do for what age (toddler or preschool). I only had to buy supplies for the bags I made instead of a bunch of different things. There were 9 of us total who made bags.  I made 6 of the same preschool bags and 5 toddler bags. (That's how many signed up for each age group.) I took them to the exchange at my friends and came home with 11 different bags for a variety of fun learning activities for my boys. They're great. Here are just a few of them.

Pool Noodle Lacing
Each noodle piece has a number on it.
There are color pattern cards and number cards.
He can pick a card and either lace the pattern or the numbers in the correct order to the card on
to the rope. Good for coordination too!

Pipe Cleaner Toy
Tyler loves to shove the pipe cleaner into the matching color hole.
He can sit and do this for a good 20 minutes.
Helps with coordination and colors.

He likes to match the colors and says each color as he inserts the "fuzzy stick."

Q-tip Counting Trays
Each "trough" in the tray has a number.
Aidan looks at the number then puts that many q-tips in it.

These are just a few. There are lots of great ones like a number matching wheel, Double Trouble Shapes, a colored fishing game, a clothes line one where they have to hang the clothes in a pattern, popsicle stick puzzles, button snake,
and tons more! I can't even remember them all right now. Most of them deal with matching or numbers or colors or shapes. Basic toddler and preschool stuff we teach our kids. 
It's just in a new and fun way to grasp their attention. 
I store them in gallon Ziploc bags and the boys can pick one and do that activity.
Some of them are small and have few pieces that they are great for church or waiting at the doctor office. They are nice quiet learning activities that they enjoy...
so of course I like them. :)


  1. Wow! What a great idea! I would love more info/pics on those other bags if you get a free minute! I can always use stuff to try and keep the little ones busy!

  2. Awesome! I am honestly a bit jealous right now because I would love to make some of those, but I don't want to do them all myself. Remind me next time I am down to have a look and take a picture. Maybe I will do it next year with some other moms. Cool!

  3. We had talked about doing it again and we all pick a different busy bag because there are so many. If we do I'll let you know and then you can join in. :)

  4. How clever! And it's something you KNOW will be used over and over again :)


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