Growing up

Aidan turned FOUR on Monday September 3, 2012

Because it fell on a Monday it was just easier to celebrate on Saturday the 1st.
We had over the Usual Suspects (Morales and Naylor Grandparents, Noble Great grandparents,
Aunt Lori and Aunt Bel.)

Aidan was glowing the entire day. He knew it was his day and
completely rolled in the excitement.

We decorated with streamers and balloons.
Aidan kept saying, "This is so awesome!" and "I love my birthday!" 

A transforming dinosaur/rocket that talks and shoots discs.
Very exciting.

Aidan loves gum Especially "Strawderdie gum" :)
This was from his sisters.

Thomas train set


More Thomas the train

He got a real silver .50 piece from Great-grandma & Grandpa Noble.
I love the look of excitement on my Grandma's face as Aidan was opening the card.
Aidan likes money. :)

On Monday (Aidan's birth day) we took the kids to Granny's Buffet for lunch.
We all had so much fun picking out foods everyone would like.

Even Tyler had a good time.

Here's lunch on Tuesday with some of Aidan's favorites.
Bean and bacon soup
hashbrown pattie (He doesn't like the shredded)

A few days after his birthday it was time for his well-child check up.
Aidan is 3 ft. 2 in. tall and weighs 30.4 lbs. He's only gained one pound since his 
last check up a year ago. We need to get him to eat more calorie boosting foods.
The Dr. gave me a paper with recipes of foods to make. Most of them include peanut butter
or eggs...both of which Aidan doesn't like. Perfect! He'll get better at it though. He's gotten better
at trying more foods.

Aidan was a champ, and chatter box during the doctor visit. 
It was torture for me (probably more for him) when it was time for his shots.
He was given four. I had to hold him down and listen to him cry and scream.
I feel horrible telling him it's ok, it's something he needs, and hold him down so that
someone can hurt him.
His legs were sore the rest of the day. He kept saying ow, ow ow. Mom I have to walk slow my legs hurt. I'd give him Tylenol but it didn't seem to help long.

Aidan and I were able to see the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile. He got a wienie whistle
and sticker. The only thing that'd make it better would be getting a ride in it.

I enjoy the little moments I get with Aidan. He truly is a tender spirit and I'm so blessed to have him as my son. I love it when out of the blue he will say, "Mom I love you." And I know he means it.
He says it with such sincerity. I adore his hugs. 
I love it when he wraps his skinny little arms around me.
Aidan likes to be helpful. He's out of the mischievous stage (finally!) and helps keep me informed to what it is Tyler is in to. 
Aidan hates to do something wrong. If he makes a mistake sometimes his little chin will quiver because he feels so bad. For example, he was looking at pictures on my phone and I saw him delete one. I told him not to delete my pictures and showed him how not to do it. He felt so bad that he started to cry.
I said I wasn't mad but he knew that I wasn't happy some of my pictures had been deleted. 
I like Aidan's enthusiasm when we do something out of the norm. 
He likes to say something is awesome. 
He loves to play on the computer, iPhone, iPod, iPad, Nintendo DS. He used to wake up around  4 a.m. to watch Netflix streamed on the Wii in the living room. I had to unplug it to put a stop to that. I didn't like waking up at 4 to put him back to bed and then stay awake for an hour before finally falling asleep. I think that phase is finally over.
He pronounces computer as kewter. (too cute)
His most common phrases to say are, "I know" "I don't think so" and he will say this randomly. I think it's how he fills the silence.
He looks up to his big sister Lindsey and likes anything she does. He likes volcanoes now because Lindsey reads her volcano books to him.
His favorite book is Big Green Monster and has it read every night to him and Tyler.
His favorite primary song is Follow the Prophet 
His favorite radio song is Rumor Has It by Adele.
He loves his Sunbeam teacher, Sister Hull. She's amazing!
His favorite letter is "A"...wonder why.
He likes to ride his bike and enjoys the chances he gets to ride around the block with Lindsey.
He still has his floppy eared bunny that he adopted from Olivia when he was a baby. He sleeps with Bunny every night and still carries him around and takes him on road trips. 

These last four years have flown by. Hard to believe in the next four Aidan will be getting baptized!

Aidan, I love you so much! Happy Birthday, sweetheart!


  1. What a wonderful weekend for Aiden. He is a special kid, my kids love to play with him. Happy Birthday!

  2. He is such a sweet boy!! Happy birthday Aidan! I'm so glad it was a good one :). And he's such a trooper with those shots!

  3. He's so cute! Maybrie pronounces computer "puter-o!" Funny! Seeing events like this make me sad we're so far away. I'm so glad we have modern technology like blogs and face time to keep in touch. I don't want the kids to forget each other.


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