Lindsey's 11th Birthday

Her Favorite breakfast…french toast! Lindsey asked for a Ripstick. I was nervous for her to ride one. They're pretty tricky! But it didn't take her long at all to get the hang of riding it. Now she zips around like nothing. Lindsey wanted to hike Badger Mountain with me. It was a cool, misty, drizzly morning but that didn't stop her from getting up early and walking. Lindsey LOVES to climb trees. Reminds me of myself. I liked climbing up high and looking around. Every time we go to my mom's Lindsey is up a tree…literally. :) Sometimes I think she's too young to be able to be climbing so high but when I think of what I was doing at her age…I knows she fine and can handle climbing a tree. It's just hard to see she's getting more independent and able to do more on her own without my help. She's growing so fast! Next year she will be going in to the Young Women program at church. Wow…doesn't seem like that lo...