Time Out For Women 2015

I was lucky and so very grateful to be able to attend Time Out for Women in Spokane this year. The theme was "Living Proof." Living proof of God's love and plan for us. As always, the speakers are wonderful and inspiring and the music is beautiful and touching. It was in a different venue so I wasn't too pleased to have rows and rows of chairs instead of theater seating because someone is always taller than me and sits in front of me making it difficult to see. But really all that mattered was that I could hear what was being said. There were so many wonderful lessons and stories that touched my heart.

Me, Jodi, Sarah, Celia
I had asked my mom to go but she didn't think she'd be able to so I went with a group of friends. Later mom asked if I wanted to go. Since plans were already made and hotel booked with my friends I was sorry to tell Mom that I wouldn't be going with her but it was great that I could still be with Mom and Elizabeth at the conference anyway. I just didn't share a hotel with them. 

Heidi Swinton was Darin's mission president's wife. (Well she still is the wife of Brother Swinton but they are home from their mission too. ;) She wrote President Thomas S. Monson's biography. She spoke Friday night. After the conference was over Mom, Elizabeth, and I went up to say hello and get a picture for Darin. After that and browsing a bit at the tables of things to buy, Mom and Elizabeth headed out for their walk to their hotel and I went to mine. I really liked that we were able to be across the street from the conference center!

Back at the hotel, we just visited and a couple painted their nails.
I totally would have painted mine as well if I hadn't painted mine a couple days before. The girls things do when they get together. :) 

Saturday morning session!

Gentri has some amazing voices and music. 

During our lunch break I went for a walk outside with Elizabeth and Mom. It was gorgeous outside! I love the sunshine. We walked along the river and wanted to get a couple pics together. We came across Andrew and took a picture to send to him. He said he has a habit of marking his territory. My cousin's so funny. Course we think we can be too. Hahaha

Pic with the Selfie Stick!

It felt good to be out and laughing. I really do have good times with my family and friends. I kind of got the best of both this weekend. Time to shop and hangout with the girlfriends and time to laugh and visit with my mom and sister and enjoy a spiritual conference high with all of them.


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