BYU Theater Ballet

Since I was in Spokane I wouldn't be home to take the girls to the BYU Theater Ballet that same Saturday. Lindsey had asked me if we could go and I thought it'd be fun to go to lunch and the ballet together just me and my sweet girls. Then I realized that it was the weekend of TOFW so I asked Bel if she could take the girls for me and I'd buy the tickets for all of them. She was more than happy to and Lindsey and Olivia are always happy to spend some time with their Aunt. 

Not only did Bel come over that Saturday afternoon but Jaime's parents and brother did as well. Diana cooked up some Spanish rice and yummy tacos for everyone to eat. (When I got home later that night my house still smelled like delicious tacos. They even saved me two!) Bel helped the girls get dressed up. The theme was "Fairy Tales and Fantasy" and kids were encouraged to dress up. My girls wanted to dress as princesses and took their matching stuffed princess dolls with them. Lindsey will be 11 in a week. She still loves princess-y things as much as she did when she was a little girl. There will be a time when she's had enough of this but I do enjoy her sweet, innocent, princess spirit that she has. 

They were able to get their pictures taken with the performers at the pre-show party. 

They had a great time and had awesome seats. Bel bought them frozen yogurt from My Fro-Yo on the way home. Sometimes I think my kids like to hang out with their Aunt more than me because she's way more generous with her money than I am. ;p I'm grateful to Jaime's family who came to feed and take care of my family while I was away. Jaime didn't need any help but he enjoys the company as much as the rest of us. I'd say it was a good weekend for all of us. 


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