Esther Lucile Naylor
My niece Esther was born on January 18 at 10:51 pm. Her sweet spirit came to meet her family then departed this life at 12:30am January 19. During a very difficult pregnancy it was discovered that Esther would be born with spina bifida as well as holoprosencephally, a condition in which the brain does not develop properly. They were told she would not live long after birth, if at all. Miraculously, Esther was born alive, and through a series of tender mercies form the Lord, all four of her older siblings were approved to be in the hospital with her. Which in this time of Covid-19 doesn't happen. She lived just under two hours and spent every minute in the company of her loving parents and adoring siblings. I'm so grateful they had that precious time together and for the knowledge the life is not our beginning or our end. We flew to Vegas to be with Brian's family and to attend the funeral. There have been many emotional moments but also wonderful blessings of being togethe...