Esther Lucile Naylor

My niece Esther was born on January 18 at 10:51 pm. Her sweet spirit came to meet her family then departed this life at 12:30am January 19. During a very difficult pregnancy it was discovered that Esther would be born with spina bifida as well as holoprosencephally, a condition in which the brain does not develop properly. They were told she would not live long after birth, if at all. Miraculously, Esther was born alive, and through a series of tender mercies form the Lord, all four of her older siblings were approved to be in the hospital with her. Which in this time of Covid-19 doesn't happen. She lived just under two hours and spent every minute in the company of her loving parents and adoring siblings. I'm so grateful they had that precious time together and for the knowledge the life is not our beginning or our end. 

We flew to Vegas to be with Brian's family and to attend the funeral. There have been many emotional moments but also wonderful blessings of being together. The cousins have loved the time together. I think it's help Maybrie, Thomas, and Ezra a lot with not thinking constantly of their sister. 

Uncle Darin turned on Just Dance to help everyone up emotionally and physically. It worked wonders for everyone. Even those who didn't dance had a good time watching and laughing at the sight. There wasn't a face without a smile. 

Olivia laughing and playing with her little cousins. She was a big help during this trip. It made me miss Lindsey and Tyler. Lindsey wasn't able to come because she had a test she couldn't miss and since she was staying home Tyler decided to stay home as he felt he'd struggle going to the funeral. I was thankful Grandma Morales was able to come and stay with them. 

The morning of the funeral...I really was expecting warmer weather in Vegas...but nope. Snow on the palm trees and ground. It didn't last long. Summer had a good thought about it. Her kids went out to play in the snow and she couldn't help but feel Esther was watching her siblings having fun playing in this soft, pure white blanket. 

Brian went to the mortuary to see Esther one last time. I can't imagine the feelings he had as he stood there looking at his precious baby. Being able to have met her but not really knowing her. Contemplating how you want to live so that you'll see her again. 

Brian refused to let anyone else carry the casket. What a special moment. Just a dad and his daughter. He carried her so gingerly and lovingly. 

These pictures hurt my heart. The lump in my throat gets so big. This sweet family having to say goodbye to their youngest so soon. 

And amidst it all I'm amazed they could smile on this day. I don't know that I could. 

Then this is where I think the Spirit is with them to bolster them up, give comfort and peace and that's what gives them the smiles on their faces. 

The area in the cemetery where Esther is buried is where other infants are laid to rest. It truly is a garden of innocence. 

Though her time here was short, I know she'll be reunited with her family again. We're so grateful for the knowledge of eternal families. 

Hot tub time for the cousins. They had a great time laughing but staying warm while outside. 

They look like they're having so much fun talking and telling funny things. 

Jaime, Brian and I stood outside talking and watching the kids. 

This is not the scene you'd expect to see when you come to Las Vegas. Hot tub, coats, and a patio heater. It is so cold right now! I could hardly wait for the adults turn to get in the hot tub. :)



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