Our House

Construction has begun. It will be fun to see it progress. It hasn't taken long to put it up. We were able to walk through and see all the rooms. It's awesome. I'm so excited to see it come along.

The Front

The back

Going upstairs 
(the laundry room is in through that doorway at the end of the hall.)

Going down the hall upstairs to the
bonus room/loft 

Master bedroom

Great room/family room
(you can also see the den/bedroom through the wall)

Great room 
(doorway leads to hall for 3/4 bath and den and garage)

Bonus room

Looking up in the entryway


First family photo with the new house
(the other kids were at Jaime's parents playing with their second cousin)


  1. I can't help but be so excited for you guys! I'm anticipating the final look :)


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