My First is 9. Nine!

Lindsey asked to have a few friends over for her birthday this year. I should have done it for her 8th but just didn't get around to planning one and instead I took her out for the day. We didn't have many free weekends in March and I wasn't sure when to have a friend party along with the usual family party. So I combined it...sort of. Those that could make it of Lindsey's friends came an hour before family. It worked great. The best part for me was listening to the girls joke and play around. They loved running up and down the stairs and through the house during the scavenger hunt reading the clues. I only wish I had made it longer because they did so well and loved it. Remember Olivia claimed the Husky picture and Lindsey claimed the W? Nothing fancy. I like simple cakes...less stress and time for me. :) Clothes for her American girl doll. Lots of Legos :) New roller blades and shawl I love this beautifu...