A Good Day

Saturday was a good, laid back, wonderful day. The girls had parties to go to. I went shopping in the morning to by a birthday gift for Olivia's friend. While the girls were gone playing with friends Jaime and I went outside in the yard with the boys. It was warm, sunny and no wind! I put the swings back up on the playground and let the boys swing. They love it! While I was outside I took a scan of the yard and noticed all the small weeds popping up in the rock beds. One of the things I don't like about the weather at this time of year...warm enough for weeds to grow but too cold and windy to get me outside to pick them. Well Saturday was perfect to do just that. So I started weeding. Jaime came and helped me even. It was such a kind act of service that meant a lot to me. Thanks Jaime! You're wonderful.

The boys were done swinging and to keep them occupied and still exercising Jaime pulled out some nerf guns to play with the boys outside. I enjoyed weeding while watching them play. The boys were so cute as they reloaded and told the other not to shoot till they were ready.

After some work with immediate results the girls got home and we had a BBQ. I had found a recipe to make our own hamburgers and boy are they good. Paired with our favorite Burgerville spread we had excellent burgers.

Lori came to stay the night at our house after a regional singles activity. Her and I went to Barnes and Noble to browse then picked up our new favorite blizzards, chocolate strawberry. Jaime, Lori, and I enjoyed our blizzards then played  a new game she brought for the Xbox 360. We were laughing pretty good, it was so fun.

I love days like this. Just a good, feel-good day. :)


  1. Good days are Wonderful! And needed. I'm glad you had one :)


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