My First is 9. Nine!
Lindsey asked to have a few friends over for her birthday this year. I should have done it for her 8th but just didn't get around to planning one and instead I took her out for the day.
We didn't have many free weekends in March and I wasn't sure when to have a friend party along with the usual family party. So I combined it...sort of. Those that could make it of Lindsey's friends came an hour before family. It worked great. The best part for me was listening to the girls joke and play around.
They loved running up and down the stairs and through the house during the scavenger hunt reading the clues. I only wish I had made it longer because they did so well and loved it.
Remember Olivia claimed the Husky picture and Lindsey claimed the W?
Nothing fancy. I like simple cakes...less stress and time for me. :)

Clothes for her American girl doll.
Lots of Legos :)
New roller blades and shawl
I love this beautiful daughter of mine.
- She LOVES to read and is currently at a 6th grade level. The girl always has a book she's into and most times she starts another one, or two, or three before she's finished the first one. I've never been able to do that. The OCD in me tells me to finish the first before I start another.
- She still enjoys reading, watching, and learning about volcanoes.
- She likes to be active playing outside with friends, playing soccer, riding her bike, scooter, or roller blades. She's good at hula hooping and jump roping.
- She likes to draw. She particularly likes to draw dogs...Huskies but she's great at landscapes too.
- She enjoys going to Activity Days with the other girls from church. She only needs 2 more Articles of Faith to memorize. 10 &11, or 11 & 12. I'm not positive which now.
- Her siblings look up to her so much, particularly Aidan. He likes to please Lindsey and hang out with her if possible. She's past on the love of volcano books to him.
- Lindsey is a big help with her siblings when she wants to be.
- She likes to make up games.
- She has beautiful hair. (I couldn't leave that out she does!)
- She loves donuts (maple bar) and recently decided she likes brownies.
- Her favorite meal is still chicken and broccoli casserole. I've made it for her birthday dinner all 9 birthdays!
- Her favorite stores to go to are Justice and Target (Good girl. Who doesn't love Target?)
- Her favorite restaurants are Panda Express, Dairy Queen, and Famous Dave's
- She likes to collect. Monster High Dolls, Lego Friends, nice rocks (I know), books, note pads (she likes cute notebooks to take places with her to draw), jewelry
- She likes to do good.
- She has a very tender spirit and is very empathetic
- She still has a very low pain tollerance. I find it funny sometimes how dramatic she can be over the smallest owie. I just wanna tell her she's not going to die! But I try to feel for her too.
- She's becoming more confidant in herself and not as timid when she's around others she doesn't know as well. She's willing to try more things that she isn't comfortable with. I'm so proud of her for some of the things she's attempted in the past year.
- She enjoys playing the piano
- I like to hear her sing her heart out in her room when she thinks I can't hear.
I love you so much and can't believe how blessed I am to have you in our family. I'm so grateful that you have a desire to do what is right! You understand the scriptures so much better than I did at your age. You've grown to be able to understand when Dad and I tease with you and it's fun. I enjoy being able to joke with you. I like your sense of humor. I appreciate the help you give to me around the house. When it's time to do chores you're usually willing to get yours done. Your siblings love you and admire you. I pray you'll continue to want to show them what it means to be a child of God and that your testimony will only grow as you get older. I pray you'll stay strong at standing for what you know is right. You're a great friend to those around you. You can light up the air around you when you're giddy with happiness. Continue to work hard in school. I know you're only happy when you do your best. You are developing talents that will help you as you're older.
When I look at pictures from when you were a tiny baby and a toddler, my heart just melts. I can't believe how lucky I was to have you as my first baby. It's been a great experience with you. I can still see your cute baby smile sometimes even though you have changed so much. I love you, Lindsey. Always and forever. I hope that when you're older, much older, and you read this you'll understand that my love for you can't ever change.
Happy 9th Birthday Lindsey! 3-18-13
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