Just an update

The boys like to ride bikes and cars in the garage on cold days...it's also a way to let Tyler get some exercise and keep him contained so he's not running around the block. ;)

Tyler was recently given a BLUE Care Bear from Lindsey. His favorite color is blue so he became attached to this bear quickly.

He still will fall asleep during the day but not as often.

I don't remember why Aidan was so sad here but he's still the cutest sad kid.
I cheered him up by taking pictures of him and Tyler.

These are a few pictures I got of my boys. They actually sat still just for me to snap a few.

They have so much fun together.

I get asked if they are twins all the time. 

Olivia was given two of the same Lego sets for her birthday. We took her to Toys R Us to exchange one. I wasn't the least bit surprised to see her walk out hugging this giant polar bear.

Her heart is as soft as these animals she collects. 

Speaking of stuffed animals, Aidan packs his bunny around everywhere, even outside. He was not happy when I took Bunny to be washed. The boys literally watched Bunny almost the entire wash cycle. They'd leave for a bit then come back to see if they could see Bunny through the window. He'd get lost in the clothes but he usually turned up front now and then. Aidan kept telling me how many minutes were left until it was done. He likes to watch the timer on the washer count down.


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