Let's begin the New YEAR!

We rang in the New Year with the traditional family party. 
Snacks, games, puzzles, movies. 

Kind of low key and quiet but fun to have been surrounded with family and have some good laughs. 

We enjoyed having Jaime home during the winter break. It was actually a pretty laid back week. 

The boys sportin' their Y shirts and getting out the bubble machine.

Olivia and Adallyn having a tea party. 
I have to share something about this particular day. It was such a warm, sunny, beautiful day. Too nice for January. Not the normal overcast, cold, misted day. It was so nice I told the kids to go outside and play while Jaime and I took down the Christmas lights off the house. It was maybe 30 minutes later and Aidan comes back in to the house saying, "It's too hot to play outside." I laughed I couldn't believe it. It was only 54 degrees. Definitely warmer than the temps in the teens that we'd been having but it was  still a perfect day to be out. 
While I was out on top of the house I decided to clean the outside of the windows. So we had a day that was fun and productive! I had a nice view out my spotted-less windows…until we had wind and rain again. :) They're still better than what they were before I cleaned them.  

We've been enjoying the football season as well. We have faithful Husky fans in our midst along with the Seahawks. Our kids love to sport anything with UW Huskies, Mariners, Seahawks, and BYU Cougs. So naturally, we enjoy game day. Jaime's been awesome to get together fun meals of BBQ wings, mozzarella cheese sticks, chicken nuggets (for the boys), chips and dip, along with fruit and veggie trays to eat while we watch the games. The kids love it. It's fun to see our kids take interest in sports. 

This next sequence of photos is of Tyler strutting his stuff on the day the Seahawks played the Saints. He just stood there dancing and making cute faces. I felt like he was in a photo shoot. He's so dang cute!

I love my little ones. 
 Here's to another year! May it be as good or better. 
I couldn't have asked for a better 2013.


  1. I LOVE puzzles!! What fun :)
    P.S. thanks for commenting on Cami's blog, she loves to see other people say something besides her parents! ;)


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