A Ground Breaking Event

The ground breaking ceremony for Jaime's new school was in June. Tyler was lucky enough to be able to be a part of it. He will start kindergarten in August 2015 when McClintock opens. 

Jaime, being the planning principal, was the main speaker. I wish I recorded it; he did an awesome job. 

Our bishops wife, Amy, is on the school board and somehow she got paired up with Tyler to dig. It made it better that he was with someone we know. 

The kids were able to keep the shirts, hard hats, and shovels. Tyler loved this entire event. 

They put the soil (more like sand) into pots then planted flower seeds to grow. 

Tyler made the paper. The picture they got of him digging was perfect. You could see the big smile on his face as he poured a shovel full of dirt into the pot. Not many 4 year olds make the paper for a history making event!! Good luck Jaime in this new adventure of beginning a new school. I'm sure there will be many firsts in this job as well. 😉


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