Trick Or Treat 2014

And for The kids fun:
Decorating and carving pumpkins for Halloween as our FHE activity.

Tyler didn't want to cut up his pumpkins because he wanted to use the face pieces to stick in the pumpkin instead. I had nooo problem with that. Clean, quick and easy. Yeah that's what I'm about. 

Digging, scraping, squishing

Up to their elbows in pumpkins. Tyler did want to get in on the messy part though. 

This year the kids didn't want to use patterns. No huskies, no batman, no cool face patterns like we have in the past. Nope, nada. They each drew out free hand what they wanted and used a drill for circles where needed. ;)

I'd say they did an awesome job!!
Aidan designed his own too. (On a side note, Aidan had a Halloween party at school and got to wear his costume to school. He looked so cute bouncing off the bus and skipping to the car. It was a good smiley moment for me!)

Olivia carved Hello Kitty. 

Lindsey carved out a Harry Potter 
jack o'lantern. 
I'd say they did an awesome job!!

Russell Wilson, a snazzy witch, a dinosaur, and Hermione Granger (from Harry Potter)

Trick or treating at the District offices

Ginny and Hermione

Lindsey, Hailey, and Daphne went out on their own this year. 
(Doesn't the sky look awesome?!!)
Jaime and Justin Christensen took our other kids around the neighborhood. I stayed home to sit and hand out candy. I decided it was okay Jaime took the kids out again this year. I help put the costumes together and get them dressed and ready to go. After all that chaos of the day I sat out on the porch and handed out candy. It was wonderful! I loved watching everyone walk up and down the street in costumes. It was nice to chat with the parents that came. I had little kids want to hang out with me, a little bumble bee blow me kisses, dozens of Princess Anna's and Elsa's beam in their beautiful gowns,  and the weather was perfect! Not too cold, no wind, and no rain. 
The kids and friends came back to sort through the loot and hang out. 
Happy Halloween. Time to get ready for the next festive holidays! I'm excited for them already. I've been listening to Christmas music most days this week and have most of my Christmas shopping done. Too bad Christmas is still over a month away. When I have gifts I'm excited to give to my kids I get antsy for Christmas. We have a lot of family coming for Thanksgiving too, so that it something to look forward to before Christmas!


  1. Those are some seriously cute pumpkin faces. Your kids are awesome!:)


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