Easter 2015

Easter was a little strung out this year. 
Friday the kids and I went to dye eggs at Grandma Marcia's. 

The gems made a cute look on these bright eggs. 

Kids enjoying the horse swing…Aidan enjoys the occasional photo bomb. 

Where else would Lindsey be?

Saturday morning the kids got their Easter baskets full from Grandma Morales. Then went to Heritage  University for the family Easter festivities. Miranda and Diana took the kids and met up with Marcus there.

They had lots of games and activities and of course an egg hunt.

Some enjoyed their chocolate bunny.

Jaime and I stayed home and enjoyed watching General Conference. Afterwards we went to meet Jaime's mom in Benton City to get the kids. When the kids came home Saturday afternoon we had their second round of Easter. Easter baskets with goodies and an egg hunt in our yard.

They still think it's so much fun! I do it for the joy it brings. No matter how simple the hunt.

Someone's doing a happy dance she found an egg. 

Our yard is still pretty sparse (I will get more planted in there some day!) so finding places to hide eggs is a challenge in itself.

Easter Sunday was General Conference.  The kids did a good job at staying quiet and listening. Most would draw or color and of course, our usual Conference Bingo that we all participate in.

Tyler drew a picture of President Monson. For a kid who doesn't care to draw or color, I was pretty impressed that he took the time to do it on his own.

Monday we did our Easter FHE. We invited the Kubalek's over for an egg hunt. The eggs had items that represented the "Easter Story" and then we made resurrection rolls. We've done it before but it's a pretty fun tradition and hey…they taste good! The best FHE lessons are the actual dessert. :)

I'm truly grateful for my Savior and the sacrifice he made for us. I know Christ was resurrected and lives today! Happy Easter.


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