A Friendly Weekend Getaway

Jaime has had a lot going on during work. Getting very stressful and crazy is an understatement. Well the topic came up with some friends of going on a weekend getaway. Jaime wanted to go somewhere he could sit and relax and listen to the ocean. Sarah and I liked the idea of somewhere warm but that would involve a much longer trip to drive or a more expensive trip and fly. So it was either going to the coast in Washington or to the coast in Oregon. Oregon is always too windy on the beach and we go there almost every year so I preferred going north. Our hubby's booked our hotels and we were counting down the days to relaxation.  Until…
an outdoor water faucet began leaking inside the house. Yikes! The inside pipe had cracked, probably during the freeze in the fall. It's not supposed to freeze but it looked (after the plumber cut in to the wall to find the issue) like the pipe wasn't secured to anything on the inside so as it got loser and loser it sagged inside the wall and therefore couldn't drain out when the water was turned off. In turn the water sat inside the pipe and then it froze in the fall. Bummer. 
So I had a week of living in construction as they had to cut in to the bathroom wall and the den wall and take out damaged drywall, insulation, and carpet padding. We had industrial dryers going for 3-4 days blowing constantly to dry out any moisture in the wood inside the walls. Thank goodness we have great homeowners insurance. They worked great with the restoration company and everything turned out perfect!! I was hesitant that I'd be able to see where the holes were in the walls after they were done but no one can even tell! I can't! 

So I was thinking we wouldn't be going on a trip but Jaime really needed to just "get away" from work stuff and since things were already planned with the kids staying with his parents off we went. 

We stayed the first night in Lynwood, had quite the experience with a body scrub and body wrap at a "Spa." Sarah and I won't be returning there is all I have to say about that. :)

We stopped at Deception Pass. Ever since Jaime and I started dating he'd tell me about Deception Pass and how he'd like to take me there. We've been married over 12 years and finally made it. It's amazing to me to see bridges so long and tall. I know there are longer bridges but the entire area around this one is just beautiful. The water was so blue! I love how nature is beautiful in so many different ways. Wet and green and dry and…less green. :) I find beauty in it all. I can see it where I live even if some don't.

We drove on to Whidbey Island where we stayed at The Inn at Langley. Pretty resort that doesn't take guests under 12. 😳 wow. It ensured we had a nice quiet stay. We were right on the water. We enjoyed sitting on our room's deck and listening to the water. 

I thought the garden at the resort was amazing. I loved the zigzag hedges. 

We spent time walking around the small town, eating, visiting, sight seeing, and really relaxing. Jaime didn't look at work emails or take work calls. 

This little grocery shop was very quaint. The food set up in such a cute display tells you it's a small town. I felt like it was a little dressed up farmers market. 

We spent an evening around a fire pit. Brandon and Jaime got a good one going considering it was filled with standing water from the previous users the night before. They really doused out the flames!

Sarah does photography and wanted me to get some shots of her and Brandon. They were dressed so cute and I did get some good pictures of them. Whew! I have no training in taking professional photos so I was glad she got some she really liked out of what I took with her fancy shmancy camera. 

Then she took a few quick snap shots of Jaime and I. We weren't dressed as cute but she still got a fun picture of us. :)

Jaime and Brandon booked a super nice massage package for Sarah and I at the resort. Kind of to make up for the lack of relaxation we were hoping to get at our last spa treatment. Haha My room was right next to the water so the masseuse had the window open a crack and I could listen to the water along with the soothing music. RE LAX A TION Yep, I found it. It'd only be better if I could just stay asleep on the massage bed awhile after the massage is done. Thank you Jaime for a wonderful getaway. 


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