
It was dress up day at school and I didn't have the boys costumes ready yet so we scrambled around the house to throw something together. Aidan is a Jurassic Park Ranger and Tyler is a sheriff. They were both happy as they walked out the door that morning for school. :)

Aidan's actually Halloween costume is this old man! hahaha I love it. 

Tyler is an Army guy
the old man, army guy, sock hop girl, life guard

Cambria, Lindsey, Daphne, and Cali at the ward Halloween party

Lots of fun games at the carnival. The decorations were incredible too. Everything looked great. 

Naomi and Olivia

Jaime and I recycled our Black Widow and Starlord costumes from when we went to see Avengers: Infinity War.

Jaime won!

Berlynn, Cali, Olivia, Naomi, Lindsey, Daphne, Bella

Cambria, Lindsey, Daphne, Cheryl Yount, Cali


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