Lindsey's 15 Birthday

Happy Birthday Lindsey! She's 15 today. I can hardly believe how short the time I have left is! She will be graduating before I know it. She's still as passionate about anything she develops a liking to, loves kids, loves hanging out with friends, loves singing to the oldies, and gets more excited about superhero movies than anyone else I know. Someday she will find her own superhero. :)

She had her traditional birthday dinner, chicken broccoli casserole. She's had it on her birthday for the past 15 years...yes really. She still loves it! Angel food cake with strawberries and whip cream for dessert. I hope all her wishes come true...considering she blew out all 15 candles in one blow!

We were able to celebrate at grandma's house on day as well. 

I love you Lindsey and the beautiful young woman you've become. 



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