Spirit Week and Fun with Family

Aidan and Lindsey working on homework together. I always love seeing my kids helping each other with school work. 

The girls like playing with filters on the camera phone. They look so cute in these. 

For Spirit week at school the girls wore pink on breast cancer awareness day and Jaime wore his pink shirt the same day. 

Aidan got to wear a halloween costume to school. He's a Jurassic Park Ranger. 

We went out to dinner with Jaime's family at Red Robin for my birthday. While we were there we saw Uncle Dick sitting alone at a table. He and Aunt Corrine had recently gotten divorced. Jaime's family didn't know until then. She they invited him to come over and sit with us. He loved having someone to talk to. He was so kind to take a picture of all of us. :)

These two, they spoil and adore these girls of mine and my girls adore them just as much. 

After Red Robin we went to our house for dessert and games. 

We had a blast playing spoons. We laughed so hard. 



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