
Showing posts from April, 2020

Home Studies

Having school at home isn't always great or fun but we've definitely made it work for us. The kids have been good at getting their work done in the mornings.  Lindsey has been cooking and baking a lot in her free time. Blueberry muffins, crepes, pastas...all so good. She's done a great job. We've all been really appreciative of her cooking. :) Tyler had fun doing a science experiment. Explaining how a submarine works. He had two jars of different sizes. The larger jar filled with the same amount of water as the small one would float while the small one would sink. We recorded it and sent it to his teacher. He was so excited and proud of how well it went. 

Evening with Family

We spent this evening out by the fire and enjoyed some yummy s'mores.  It was a great evening, perfect weather, kids were having fun, and my s'more was perfect. 


Easter Baskets We went simple this year. Not being able to just go to the store and browse for easter gifts. It was more of simple treats and coupons for the kids to use for things later. Lunch date with mom or dad. Stay up 30 minutes later. Pick movie for family movie night. Pick what's for dinner. The kids were happy and understanding. It was just something different out of our daily lives at home.  Saturday was hunting eggs. I didn't think there were too many places to hide eggs in our bare back yard but I was wrong! It took a while to find the last couple eggs.  Easter Sunday I'm so grateful for this simplistic Easter that we had. It made our in home church meeting so special. We were able to talk about the resurrection and watch some of the videos the church as put out on the resurrection. As much as I miss attending church with our ward, I know that when we do get to meet together again I will miss our small sacrament meeting at home as wel...

Fun Outside

Jaime brought out Spike Ball for the kids to try. We had a lot of fun. Sometimes I got caught up and tried to hit it like a volleyball. hahaha The kids have been having a lot of fun drawing with sidewalk chalk. They've done a great job. And funny story, we didn't have anymore sidewalk chalk other than small stumps of old chalk. The girls asked me to buy some more. I haven't been going to the grocery store but doing order pickups. I wasn't sure I could buy sidewalk chalk with my Walmart grocery order but it worked! The girls could hardly wait and asked if I was able to get it and not have it out of stock. You should have heard their cheers when I received the email saying what items I was able to get and I read off that the chalk was fulfilled in my order. :) The girls did a fabulous job on this drawing! Olivia said Tinkerbell was really hard but wow, she nailed it! Tyler made a message to thank our Veterans. :) Nice warm day. I...

General Conference

I made cinnamon rolls for the first time ever! Not only did I make the but they turned out great! Next time I want to make cream cheese frosting though. With going to the grocery store less I didn't want to use up so much of our cream cheese. The vanilla icing was still good though :) President Nelson had said that this would be a conference to remember. No one would have thought that we'd all be quarantined in our homes and that conference would be held in an auditorium in the church office building instead of the conference center. But that's not what President Nelson was talking about. LOL Instead it was a bicentennial for the first vision of Joseph Smith. To recognize this the church wanted to do something to commemorate. They wrote a declaration of the restoration. It's so beautiful.  And then President Nelson lead us in a solemn assembly and hosannah shout. It was a neat experience to do this with our family in our home. It really was a general ...

This Is How It Is

These stats were going around for people to save so that in a year and later we will be able to see just how this pandemic effected us.  On April 2, 2020... --Gas price a mile from home was $2.39 --school is cancelled --Self-distancing measures on the rise --Tape on the floors at grocery stores and others to help distance shoppers (6ft) from each other --Limited number of people inside stores, therefore, lineups outside the store doors --Non-essential stores and businesses mandated closed --Parks, trails, entire cities locked up --Entire sports seasons cancelled --Concerts, tours, festivals, entertainment events - cancelled --Weddings, family celebrations, holiday gatherings - cancelled --No masses, churches are closed --No gatherings of 50 or more, then 20 or more, then 10, now 5 or more --Don't socialize with anyone outside of your home --Children's outdoor play parks are closed --We are to distance from each other --Shortage of masks,...

Lightening the Situation

There have been a lot of funny memes and comments floating around the internet that give us some good laughs. I don't save many of them but here's a few... Jaime and I got a kick out of the #AloneTogether TV commercials. Amidst all the news of COVID-19 there's been some crazy things going on as well. There was a mild earthquake in Salt Lake City Utah. Emily had an earthquake near here in California. There was a small earthquake near Boise, a small tornado here in Tri-Cities (Richland), and then we had a crazy long hail storm on April 1st here in Pasco! The ultimate April Fool's Joke?