
Easter Baskets

We went simple this year. Not being able to just go to the store and browse for easter gifts. It was more of simple treats and coupons for the kids to use for things later. Lunch date with mom or dad. Stay up 30 minutes later. Pick movie for family movie night. Pick what's for dinner. The kids were happy and understanding. It was just something different out of our daily lives at home. 

Saturday was hunting eggs. I didn't think there were too many places to hide eggs in our bare back yard but I was wrong! It took a while to find the last couple eggs. 

Easter Sunday
I'm so grateful for this simplistic Easter that we had. It made our in home church meeting so special. We were able to talk about the resurrection and watch some of the videos the church as put out on the resurrection. As much as I miss attending church with our ward, I know that when we do get to meet together again I will miss our small sacrament meeting at home as well. 

I love my kids. I'm so grateful they're mine. 

 Aidan and Lindsey have quite the relationship. Watching the two of them at the table can be so funny. Today they were talking in Spanish. 

I'm not sure what makes their relationship the way it is but I love it. 

Lindsey wanted to make a pineapple upside down cake on Saturday. It was a great Easter dessert for us after dinner today. She did a great job. She found the recipe herself. 
Asked for help when she needed it. We had a good time working together. 

It was delicious!

We played some games in the evening. Aidan loves cover your assets. He was rolling in the dough as he was counting up his money. He hadn't changed from his church clothes so we all joked that the was some banker or business man counting all his money. 


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