General Conference

I made cinnamon rolls for the first time ever! Not only did I make the but they turned out great! Next time I want to make cream cheese frosting though. With going to the grocery store less I didn't want to use up so much of our cream cheese. The vanilla icing was still good though :)

President Nelson had said that this would be a conference to remember. No one would have thought that we'd all be quarantined in our homes and that conference would be held in an auditorium in the church office building instead of the conference center. But that's not what President Nelson was talking about. LOL Instead it was a bicentennial for the first vision of Joseph Smith. To recognize this the church wanted to do something to commemorate. They wrote a declaration of the restoration. It's so beautiful. 

And then President Nelson lead us in a solemn assembly and hosannah shout. It was a neat experience to do this with our family in our home. It really was a general conference that we will all remember.

Later the kids all got on computers to talk with all their cousins on Zoom! With so many kids it wasn't easy to get it all running smoothly but Lindsey did a good job and leading the "meeting."

Then we added my parents to surprise them to see all their grandkids. 
Dad did a good job at sharing his testimony on what we all heard in conference today. It was fun for all to see each other.


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