Fun Outside

Jaime brought out Spike Ball for the kids to try. We had a lot of fun. Sometimes I got caught up and tried to hit it like a volleyball. hahaha

The kids have been having a lot of fun drawing with sidewalk chalk. They've done a great job. And funny story, we didn't have anymore sidewalk chalk other than small stumps of old chalk. The girls asked me to buy some more. I haven't been going to the grocery store but doing order pickups. I wasn't sure I could buy sidewalk chalk with my Walmart grocery order but it worked! The girls could hardly wait and asked if I was able to get it and not have it out of stock. You should have heard their cheers when I received the email saying what items I was able to get and I read off that the chalk was fulfilled in my order. :)

The girls did a fabulous job on this drawing! Olivia said Tinkerbell was really hard but wow, she nailed it!

Tyler made a message to thank our Veterans. :)

Nice warm day. I brought out some healthy snacks for the kids to eat and continue to play and draw. 


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