Uncle Dick's Funeral

Brian flew to Pasco and then rode with us to Sandpoint for Uncle Dick's funeral. He and I went for a run one morning out in the trees of Sandpoint. We saw a moose cross our path. It was real cool.

It was nice he was able to come and spend some time with us. 

We drove up to Schwietzer to see the beauty around before going to the funeral. 

Bagpipes were played in his honor. I was asked to play the piano for the prelude and as they brought the casket in. I was so nervous. I messed up but I could only hear Dick saying how beautiful it was and that he was so thankful I would play. He was always so grateful and always kind to me. 

I stopped to say hi to Grandma. 

Dick is now laid beside Aunt Davina. 

Grandpa with 4 of his kids. Darrell couldn't make it. 

I'm so grateful Dick lived in Pasco the last few years. I loved seeing him at stake things and having him come to family things either at my house or my mom's. Dairy Queen will always be associated with him in my heart. I'll miss him but I am so glad he's well and I know he's happy. 



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