Shock of the Decade

Meet Koda. We picked out a Mini Australian Labradoodle to bring into our home. No shedding, good temperament, smart breed. That's the kind of dog that I felt would work well for our home. 

His first little bed that Brian's kids made for him. They picked him up from the breeder's after they got back from their trip to Arizona for Thanksgiving. 

Koda and his brother Bear were great friends.

Koda learned a lot from Bear. This picture is so cute!

Look at that face!

Brian flew up to Washington on December 16th. Tyler's birthday. We finally got to meet Koda. 

There was a lot of conversation about getting a dog. The kids have begged and asked for a dog for years. I didn't want to take care of one while still taking care of young kids. I finally felt like I was ready to handle one knowing we could get one that doesn't shed dog hair all over. Making the kids wait so long made them all the more willing to help care for a dog if we could get one. 

He's the cutest little thing and pretty smart for just 2 months. We're trying to train him to stay out of the kitchen. I put some masking tape on the floor to give him a visual so he understood where he couldn't go. Yes he still goes over the line multiple times a day but when he's understanding what we say he's getting better at not crossing. This time he wasn't going to go over so he laid right next to the line. Good boy. 



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