The Happiest Place

Exactly a year ago Jaime and I went to Disneyland with Brian's family. We just got back from another trip to Disneyland with them! It was fantastic! What made it so fantastic?
*We took all our kids (last year we didn't)
*We went with my brother's family 
*We went on All. The. Rides!
*We all tried and shared fun and yummy foods
*The kids are all old enough that the trip was easy and just plain fun!

Day 1, our crew heading in to Disneyland park!

So fun being all together. 

Our first ride was Big Thunder Mountain. It's one of my favorites. 

Then we entered Star Wars, Galaxy Edge. My kids' first time seeing it. They were in awe. 

Tyler and Maybrie

Watching the video before going in to ride Smugglers Run.

Lots of waiting in line for the ride but it's cool to go through the place and see such detail. 

Star Wars Chess

Smuggler's Run Mission ride!

Olivia got a Coke but it's cute how they made it look like a container you'd see on a Star Wars movie. Disney puts the coolest details in everything. 

Meeting Boba Fett

My girls...geeking out and loving every minute. 

Rise of the Resistance is such an awesome ride.

Life sized ATAT! So crazy to see. 

My little fighter pilots. 

The adults all got to go on the Winnie the Pooh ride together since the kids all wanted to go with each other. 

The spinning tea cups!

The second day we went to California Adventure. 

The wilderness must be explored! 

In the Spiderverse

Ready for web shooting on the Spiderman ride.

And they're off!

Looking up at the Guardians of the Galaxy Breakout ride. It's such an intense ride! The feeling of being dropped is scary. 

But I still go on it! I can only do it once each trip though. lol I had to go on it this time because all my kids were going! We all survived and I think Olivia is the only one who loves the ride. ;)

Lindsey looks like she's having a great time. She made sure to put her hands up for the picture. But the ride terrified her. She did a great job of making it look like she was having a blast 😂

Iron man sighting. 

Brian and Lindsey riding the cars of autotopia together. 

Aidan got to drive Henry. 



Rolling the giant marble in water. 

They really do like knowing their parents love each other. ;)

It's a dream come true going to Disneyland with my teenage kids! It's just so much fun and happiness. 

Such a beautiful day to be in the park!

I love my family. 

The Incredicoaster is one of my favorite rides. 

I loved that Jaime and I were able to ride rides with Brian and Summer. Having older kids to be with younger kids made it so us adults could have fun without worrying about the kids. 

I may have ridden the Incredicoaster more than once. :)

Break time to reset our feet. 

Brian and Jaime grabbed a corn dog while the rest of us when on the jellyfish hopper. Disney's corndogs are actually really good. 

Going up and down on the jellyfish. 

Toy Story Mania!

Tyler and Aunt Summer

Lindsey and Henry sporting Captain America. 

We had so much fun riding ride after ride. 

Welcome to Radiator Springs! Carsland is always a favorite. 

Visiting Dr. Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum. 

The sinking floor!

The optical illusion only on camera is so cool.

The ground is flat and just looks like an odd tile placement but when you take a picture it looks like the ground is sinking. It was fun to pose and take pictures. 

Aidan working his magic. 

Night time ride on the swings with my girls!

Girls couldn't leave with out having some Shawarma! 

Brian and Jaime holding the little boys up so they have a better view. 

Lighting can make all the difference. So beautiful and magical!

After the park closed we walked through some of the shops outside of California Adventure and Disneyland parks. The girls found the perfect set of Mickey Mouse ears to show Grandma Morales. Mexican sweet bread; conchas. 

Don't be so self-conchas 😂
Love that they can have funny inside jokes with their grandparents. 

The third day, Saturday, We went for a second day at Disneyland.

The wishing well.

The Sword in the stone...but it's an anvil. 😂

Big Thunder Mountain rollercoaster again!

Picture session in our matchy shirts!

This pic of the kids being silly is so fun. 

I'm so grateful for my relationship with Brian. We have wonderful memories at Disneyland together.

Nemo's under the sea submarine ride. 

I was grateful for the sunshine. It was still chilly and the evenings got cold so I reveled in the warmer afternoons. 

I loved having all my teenagers there! It made for just a fun time. I didn't have to worry about little toddlers or kids. Mine are all old enough to go on rides on their own and text when we need to meet up somewhere. Their excitement of being there mirrored my own. :) 

And I love having Jaime to share in my excitement for the thrill of it all. 

Yay for Disneyland! Such a fun trip being there with all my teenagers, Jaime, and Brian's family. 


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