May 4th & 5th Celebrations

We started off May the Fourth with a breakfast divided...Frosted Flakes with dark and light flakes. 😁
I spent the afternoon making and putting the food together for our May the Fourth Be With You dinner. Bel and Mom and Dad joined us this year. 

This is one of the family's most favorite themed dinners. 

Mom made a Yoda pie. It was hard to get ears to stay so he looks a bit like an alien, but then isn't Yoda an alien from another planet anyway? :)

Time for the light saber battle. 

It was fun having Bel join us. Chris wasn't able to come in account of work. We missed him. Hopefully he can join us another time because he is a big Star Wars fan. 

And a little Baby Yoda funny to finish the night. :)

Cinco de Mayo!

The next day was Cinco de Mayo! I really enjoy making this meal. Yummy enchiladas, home made quac, rice, beans, all the works! Even fresas y creama! I even got the Mexican flag garlands to hang up. It felt so festive!

Mom and Dad came again a second night in a row to join us for another fun themed dinner. It was fun to have them join with us because Mom has done lots of themed dinners for us. 



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