
Showing posts from April, 2024

She's Engaged!


Excitement Getting to the Temple


Lindsey & Isaac Came for Their Spring Break


They Crack Me Up!


Spring Break - Woohoo!

Happy Easter! We spent Spring Break in Seaside with my parents and it happened to be the same week of Easter. It makes me remember back when we went to Utah for General Conference on Easter with my parents when our kids were a lot younger. We went to church then came back to our hotel right on the beach. We were blessed with such beautiful weather! Love my parents. Work has been crazy so Jaime was more than ready to get away for a week.  Awww, the way that he loves me. 😍 Lindsey spent Easter with Isaac in Meridian.  They sent us their Easter pictures. 😊 How cute! Tyler and Olivia enjoying the sun and playing games out on the balcony. We've been to the Peter Iredale shipwreck many times. It was fun to take mom and dad to walk along the beach and see it.  It seems like there's more of the ship visible now. Some years there's not much of it at all but a lot of sand has been pulled out in to the ocean revealing more of the ship's skeleton. Then we drove up to the jetty to