May The Fourth Be With You... and into Cinco de Mayo

We celebrated May the 4th with Bel and Chris this year at their place Bel and I put together a fun spread for themed food for our dinner. 

Sometimes it's fun to still get to play and be a kid. :)

I didn't get any pictures this year of Cinco de Mayo. But this year I wanted to have our celebration with my family. It landed on a Sunday this year so it worked out for everyone to be able to come. Mom and Dad, Elizabeth and Lori's families as well. I made it all. Enchiladas, rice, beans, guacamole, pico de gallo, aqua Fresca, and fresas y crema. Everyone enjoyed the food. I loved having everyone over and spending time with them. I do get enjoyment of being able to make food for others when we get to be together. 



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