The Angel Around Me

On Sunday August 16th I was asked to give the opening prayer in sacrament meeting. I was sitting at the front of the chapel singing the opening song. It was 'How Firm A Foundation ,' one of the Hymns the primary kids have been learning this year. So because Lindsey knows the song it was so cute to watch her sing her little heart out. I started thinking about what a sweet girl she is and how much I love her and can't believe that she's starting school, how much I'm going to miss her....all sorts of stuff like that was running through my head. I was in an emotional state that day so tears were always on the verge. During the song, Lindsey smiled so big at me and then held up a paper that she got in her Sunday School class. On the paper it said, "Jesus Christ loves you" and she pointed to it and to me while she was singing. I had to do all I could to not let my watery eyes drip. I'm going to miss this little angel so much. Have you ever heard the song ...