A Typical Day at the Beach for Us

This year the weather was great. It wasn't windy, cold, cloudy or rainy.

Of course we play in the sand! Everyone usually does something with the kids in the sand. Here's just a bit of what was done.

Everytime we are there some genius gets their car stuck in the sand. Usually it's a car that isn't meant for sandy terrain but this was hilarious! This guy got stuck in the sand with his Ford truck! The good guys that are in Jaime's family always go and help the stranded people get out. What tough guys! They are all pretty big so it's a lot of power helping out these stuck cars and in this case....truck. :)

Lindsey and Macy had a great time in the sand and decorating the sandcastles with peanut shells.

There's an old ship that ran ground many years ago and it's been wrecked and left on the shore since then. Now all that's left is part of its rusty frame. It's pretty neat to go see. I don't know the history behind it but I was told it's in the museum there. I could probably look it up online...maybe someday I will.

If you look closely you can see a piece of the ship sticking up out of the sand behind the girls.

Jaime wrote the kids' names in the sand. The girls thought that was awsome!

What a good day at the beach...

We had a good walk that day. Can you see my little five month preggo tummy? It's there believe me. :)

We had a good time but like most vacations...it's nice to be able to come home and sleep in your own bed and be around the norm again. The kids were so happy that they played with toys that they hadn't seen in a week. Yeah, Aidan's playing with Barbies...well, not really. He just likes the Barbie brushes.

Aidan got a bit of sun on his face. His nose and cheeks are so rosey it's cute.

While we were camping Aidan always wanted to drink out of a straw like the rest of us when we had a capri sun juice drink. We'd let him try but he just couldn't figure out to suck on it. Finally, the day after we get home, I made smoothies and let him try and wouldn't you know it. He was able to drink through a straw. It's so cute.

Yes...I'm very happy to be home as you can tell.


  1. That looked like SO much fun! Cami said that we need to go to the beach now. :) I love that Aidan is drinking through a straw, such a fun discovery. :) Cute pic at the end by the way!


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