Super Mom!

When I was younger I remember thinking about how often my mom would do work around or outside the house. Sometimes I thought she ought to just have my dad do it. Don't get me wrong however, I have always looked up to my mom for her strong work ethic. Well, today was a very busy, hard-working day for me and while I was working I thought about my mom and all she does. Let me tell you why...

This morning I got up to go exercise with my workout buddies. After running a mile on the treadmill and then doing an insane workout to "Insanity" I got home, fed kids lunch, put youngest ones down for naps, and then I went outside to do some yard work. My mom is amazing when it comes to yard work. She does so much and a lot at a time even on hot days. I took the hedger to some bushes next to our drive. I was hot and tired from all I had already done earlier but I wanted to get the job done. Now I thought, "I know Jaime is going to do this but if I do it then he won't have to and he can just spend the evening with us when he gets home." that made me think that all my mom does to help at home, is less my dad had to do and vice versa. I appreciate all that my mom does and how she has taught me to work and even how to be a good wife and mother.

Mom, I love you so much. Thanks for being such an awesome role model. I think I understand a little more why you do so much. I couldn't help but feel so good to know all that I had accomplished today (and let's not forget the rest of the day tending to my kids and doing dinner after being so exhausted from all I had done before)...and it's a good feeling to know that my husband and i work together at things.

This was just one of my many blessings that I have come recognize and be grateful for.


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