Terriffic Twos

Have you seen the episode of Modern Family where Phil gets the iPad for his birthday? Well, on the iPad there's an app with a birthday cake and candles you can actually blow out. We have it on our iPad so when Aidan woke up, the girls and I walked into his room singing Happy Birthday with this picture of a cake and flickering candles. Aidan was "blowing" out the candles all day. I'd say he was practicing for the "real deal."

See this, sheer excitement on this boy's face.

He feels so special. 



Tools, every guy has to have tools! He's a guy now that he's two right?

Aahhh, the PLANE!

He loves this Furreal bear and how it makes sounds and moves.
He likes to hug and carry it around.

He even got an electric drill and already knows how to use it.

Happy Birthday Aidan! He's no longer a baby. 
Definitely a toddler. He totally enjoyed his birthday. He was so excited about his cake with the airplane on it. He LOVES planes. He could hardly wait to have the candles lit and blow them out. He just soaked up the attention when everyone sang to him. It was so adorable to see his excitement. He knew what was going on this year and enjoyed it thoroughly...so did I.
He's gonna LOVE Christmas this year!


  1. That little man of your is so cute! I love his smile when he's sitting next to his cake, which you did an awesome job on by the way!


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