Tying to keep up with kids

She's in first grade now. She's definitely taller and more independent and really, A LOT of help at home. I miss her help. She's already noticed that there's more work and less play in first grade. :)

The other night I put Tyler in the jumperoo to keep in occupied while I got stuff done. After a while I realized it was so quite. This is what I found...

And this is how he woke up to hearing the camera. He's the only one of ours to ever fall asleep somewhere odd. You hear about kids falling asleep in high chairs or in their plate of food on the table, ours...nuh uh. This was a first for us. I thought it was adorable. I felt bad when he woke though.


  1. Now that's an adorable, "Mom, I was sleeping what are you doing?" look. haha, that is just too funny. :)


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