Moments I'm Glad I've Caught

Aidan has recently decided that he wants to sleep in the crib again. I have found him multiple times asleep in Tyler's crib. It's really cute. They love each other so much. It's sweet to see them say good night to each other and give hugs and kisses. Truly a special bond between them.

They don't have to cuddle next to each other. It must just be the sense of knowing the other's there.
They do sleep well.

Olivia, my brave Olivia. She decided to do the high school cheer camp all on her own. She generally needs Lindsey for support but Lindsey didn't want to perform in front of others. I took Olivia to the practice Saturday morning. She had no problems making friends and talking to the other girls in her group. It was cute to watch. She loved to do the kicks in the routine. That same evening at the basketball game Olivia went down and danced and cheered in front of a packed gym of bball fans. She did great, however I didn't get pics in her cheer shirt and face paint because when I took her down to the court I left my camera in my purse up on the bleachers. So you get to see her practice pics but she's just as cute.

Tyler has really pulled out his own personality. He's so funny. He likes to copy any sound someone makes whether it's a yell, blowing nose, loud laugh, or funny lip noises. He likes to ride on his Buzz Lightyear car and on the horse that makes horse sounds. He's really gotten the hang of rocking on it.


  1. Oh my goodness, I LOVE your little ones! Each and everyone have a very special place in my heart! Oh, how I'll miss them :,)


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